
Licht 14/18
Licht 14/18
In Licht van Toneelgroep Amsterdam (tekst en regie: Gerardjan Rijnders) staat het Bijbelverhaal van de bekering van Saulus tot Paulus centraal. De voorstel... (03:23) 24 Dec 1996
Licht 05/18
Licht 05/18
In Licht van Toneelgroep Amsterdam (tekst en regie: Gerardjan Rijnders) staat het Bijbelverhaal van de bekering van Saulus tot Paulus centraal. De voorstel... (03:11) 24 Dec 1996
Interview with Nan Hoover by Willem van Weelden
Interview with Nan Hoover by Willem van Weelden
Willem van Weelden interviews Dutch video art pioneer Nan Hoover. (22:47) 12 Dec 1997
Fra cervello e movimento: Rosso 6/7
Fra cervello e movimento: Rosso 6/7
A dancer is joined by his double. His universe is invaded; the two bodies cross invisible boundaries, moving from the explosive to the exploratory in the se... (06:54) 18 Dec 1997
Fra cervello e movimento: Rosso 5/7
Fra cervello e movimento: Rosso 5/7
A dancer is joined by his double. His universe is invaded; the two bodies cross invisible boundaries, moving from the explosive to the exploratory in the se... (03:03) 18 Dec 1997
Fra cervello e movimento: Rosso 4/7
Fra cervello e movimento: Rosso 4/7
A dancer is joined by his double. His universe is invaded; the two bodies cross invisible boundaries, moving from the explosive to the exploratory in the se... (09:23) 18 Dec 1997
Fra cervello e movimento: Rosso 3/7
Fra cervello e movimento: Rosso 3/7
A dancer is joined by his double. His universe is invaded; the two bodies cross invisible boundaries, moving from the explosive to the exploratory in the se... (07:19) 18 Dec 1997
Fra cervello e movimento: Rosso 2/7
Fra cervello e movimento: Rosso 2/7
A dancer is joined by his double. His universe is invaded; the two bodies cross invisible boundaries, moving from the explosive to the exploratory in the se... (06:28) 18 Dec 1997
Fra cervello e movimento: Rosso 1/7
Fra cervello e movimento: Rosso 1/7
A dancer is joined by his double. His universe is invaded; the two bodies cross invisible boundaries, moving from the explosive to the exploratory in the se... (08:59) 18 Dec 1997
Catalonia Clips
Catalonia Clips
Parc MontserratClips that show different characteristics of Catalonia sites, including bird flight images. (00:31) 07 Oct 1998

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edit Exhibition of a collection of piggy banks
Exhibition of a collection of piggy banks
edit Pet food industry expands steadily
Pet food industry expands steadily
edit Stuntman in actie: Reo Ruiters en Jan van Beerendonk
Stuntman in actie: Reo Ruiters en Jan van Beerendonk
edit Brandblusapparatuur: Hoe werk je ermee?
Brandblusapparatuur: Hoe werk je ermee?
edit Honderden deelnemers in 42ste 'Sneekweek'
Honderden deelnemers in 42ste 'Sneekweek'
edit Belangrijke ontwikkelingen in röntgenonderzoek dankzij 'comp...
Belangrijke ontwikkelingen in röntgenonderzoek dankzij 'computer-tomograaf'
edit Grote ballonrace achter de Vos
Grote ballonrace achter de Vos
edit Grootste kunstskibaan in gebruik
Grootste kunstskibaan in gebruik
edit Grootste postduivenvlucht van dit seizoen van Orléans naar N...
Grootste postduivenvlucht van dit seizoen van Orléans naar Nederland
edit Houtverdeling en de 45e HISWA tentoonstelling
Houtverdeling en de 45e HISWA tentoonstelling
edit Het werk van de haven-schoonmaakdienst
Het werk van de haven-schoonmaakdienst
edit 3 uren powerboatrace op nieuw circuit
3 uren powerboatrace op nieuw circuit
edit Grand Prix waterski-race op het Veluwemeer
Grand Prix waterski-race op het Veluwemeer
edit Armed with palette and camera: photo, drawing and painting c...
Armed with palette and camera: photo, drawing and painting contest for soldiers
edit Het werk van de vereniging 'Het Nederlandse Blindenwezen'
Het werk van de vereniging 'Het Nederlandse Blindenwezen'
edit 'Doe-het-zelf'-waterskiën, dankzij de zgn. ski-scooter
'Doe-het-zelf'-waterskiën, dankzij de zgn. ski-scooter
edit Padden op pad naar bruiloftsplaats, biologisch onderzoek in ...
Padden op pad naar bruiloftsplaats, biologisch onderzoek in Overveen
edit Steam trains in the Netherlands
Steam trains in the Netherlands
edit Steeds meer noodzaak voor uitbreiding van jeugdtandverzorgin...
Steeds meer noodzaak voor uitbreiding van jeugdtandverzorging
edit Salt production in our country and its uses
Salt production in our country and its uses
edit Bankruptcy sale of Nederhorst Staal
Bankruptcy sale of Nederhorst Staal
edit First houses made of cardboard used as temporary housing dur...
First houses made of cardboard used as temporary housing during renovation works
edit International squash tournament
International squash tournament
edit Car-o-tel, camper bus for holiday trips
Car-o-tel, camper bus for holiday trips
edit People injured during winter sport fly home to the Netherlan...
People injured during winter sport fly home to the Netherlands aboard a so-called gipsvlucht
edit The Teylers Museum is in financial need
The Teylers Museum is in financial need
edit Past, present and future (?) of whaling
Past, present and future (?) of whaling
edit Large rescue demonstration at the coast
Large rescue demonstration at the coast
edit Election campaign for the House of Representatives
Election campaign for the House of Representatives
edit Sculptor Mari Andriessen 80 years
Sculptor Mari Andriessen 80 years

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