
Results from complete repository (8,301)

National concours for women and men hairdressers
National concours for women and men hairdressers
Week number 75-07Newsreels in which Dutch subjects of a certain week are presented. (01:39) 01 Jan 1975
National Film Archive stored in film bunker in Scheveningen
National Film Archive stored in film bunker in Scheveningen
Week number 80-24Newsreels in which Dutch subjects of a certain week are presented. (02:27) 01 Jan 1980
Nationaal grimeerconcours
Nationaal grimeerconcours
Weekjournaal van Polygoon Hollands Nieuws van week 3 uit 1949. (01:36) 10 Jan 1949
Nationaal hengelconcours van het Baarsje
Nationaal hengelconcours van het Baarsje
Weekjournaal van Polygoon Hollands Nieuws van week 34 uit 1936. (00:43) 16 Aug 1936
National Youth Orchestra gives a concert in Scheveningen
National Youth Orchestra gives a concert in Scheveningen
Week number 58-29Newsreels in which Dutch subjects of a certain week are presented. (01:22) 11 Jul 1958
Weekjournaal van Polygoon Hollands Nieuws van week 43 uit 1938. (01:40) 16 Oct 1938
Weekjournaal van Polygoon Hollands Nieuws van week 19 uit 1939. (01:09) 01 May 1939
Nationaal kegelconcours
Nationaal kegelconcours
Weekjournaal van Polygoon Hollands Nieuws van week 37 uit 1949. (01:07) 05 Sep 1949
National monument is nearing completion
National monument is nearing completion
Week number 56-13Newsreels in which Dutch subjects of a certain week are presented. (00:47) 16 Mar 1956
Nationale afstandsmars van de KNAU
Nationale afstandsmars van de KNAU
Weekjournaal van Polygoon Hollands Nieuws van week 43 uit 1933. (00:38) 15 Oct 1933

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